Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Busy Days

My days are busy with the girls, thus lots of photo opportunities. Ella is our ham. She grunts and groans all the time. I teasingly say we should have named her Ella "Grunt" Hutchison instead of Ella Grace! Addilyn is our quiet one. She's going to be our "thinker" and the one encouraging Ella not to do something that might get them in trouble.

Today I took pictures of them during tummy time on their activity mats. Neither one of them fussed over tummy time today and both girls are getting a lot stronger.

Oh, and did I mention that Chloe, our cat, also likes tummy time? After Matthew set up the activity mats, Chloe was underneath it, on her back, batting at the toys with her paws. It's almost as if she was showing the girls how they are supposed to play with their new toy.

On Monday, Matthew and I gave the girls a bath before their one month old pictures. Instead of dressing Ella right away, I swaddled her and put her in the bouncer so we could bathe Addilyn. Here is Ella peeking at us!

Ella's smart, too. I flipped on the light in the girl's room and Ella hid her eyes. She cracks me up!

I took pictures of the girls at mom and dad's yesterday. They were just too cute to pass up a photo opportunity.

1 comment:

Amber said...

They are precious! I love how Ella hid her eyes...too funny. I'm impressed that you do tummy time. I wasn't very good about making Blaze do it. He turned out just fine...I think! ;)