Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Pregnancy Dreams

Sleeping throughout the night is becoming more and more difficult as my pregnancy progresses. As if getting up to use the bathroom a couple times at night wasn't enough to cause sleepless nights, I've been having very interesting and weird dreams.

At the beginning, I had a dream about following cops who were trying to arrest criminals. When they would stop to stake out the bad guy, I would rush to their car and try to spoon feed them mandarin oranges. Weird on so many levels!

Then I started having dreams about an Italian guy that I was in college with who was an artist. He also wanted to paint me nude! This dream by far is so random because I'm the most modest person I know!

Last night's dream was pretty crazy too. I woke up to Matthew shaking me awake and only heard briefly the sounds coming out of my mouth. I was dreaming that the Predator was trying to get me. Yes, Predator as in the movie. A movie I haven't seen in 10 or more years and haven't thought of since! In my dream I was screaming, but I sounded more like a deranged ghost! Scared my poor husband out of a sound slumber and even woke baby up!

Ahhh, pregnancy dreams, you prove to be very entertaining!

- Posted by Kelly using BlogPress from my iPhone

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