Thursday, May 7, 2009

Crazy Days!

The last two days have been crazy busy with me going back to work. I spent Tuesday evening ironing for the rest of the week, getting coffee ready for the morning, packing the diaper bag, setting out the car seats and clothes for the girls.

Wednesday morning started at 6:00 a.m. It was a mad dash to get the girls up and diapers changed while Matthew prepared bottles. By 6:30 a.m. I was in the shower trying to get myself ready. I was out the door by 7:20 a.m. That's almost record time for me! Ha!

It was then Matthew's job to take care of the girls and getting himself ready for work. He was a trooper! I have to admit that I am very proud of him for being willing to even try such a difficult task. Our girls are easy, happy babies, but there are still TWO of them and only one of you which sometimes makes everything more challenging. Matthew survived his first morning being alone with the girls and didn't throw in the towel. He did it all over again today.

I almost had to be dragging kicking and screaming out of bed this morning. I d
reading going back to work today after seeing the disaster that my classroom had become. I don't know who these kids are in my classroom, but they aren't the students I left 13 weeks ago. They've mutated into mean, disrespectful, uncaring beasts!

Here's a list of things that were damaged in my classroom: books, easel, supply baskets, rolling carts, and pencil boxes. My first sub lost four weeks worth of smart tub activities. My second sub rearranged my furniture and gave my kids a new seating chart. Neither of my subs read with my kids for 13 weeks. I'm so disgusted and so frustrated that neither were competent to do their jobs when I had EVERYTHING they would need while I was out ready for them. One even had the nerve to talk to my principal about a possible opening at our campus. Really? Do they really think they can handle teaching because you are REQUIRED to teach kids to read! Don't even get me started on classroom management!

My student's behavior was so bad that the guidance counselor wouldn't even come into the room for her once a month guidance session. I was told they sharpened crayons and disposed of the shavings down the sink drain in my room. I was also informed that they were caught standing on the tables. The questions that go through my mind over and over again is: "What in the world was my sub doing?" "Where was he/she that all of this happened?" All of their pencils are gone. I had a HUGE supply of pencils in my cabinet and only have two packs remaining.

These last couple of weeks of school are going to be long I'm afraid. I have to keep my thumb on my kids all day long their behavior is so bad. I turned my back for a second yesterday and caught three of my girl doing back bends on my carpet. I'm so disgusted by their behavior, but if they choose to behave poorly, then I can choose to make the rest of the school year as un-fun as possible. Ugh, I just wish I could have stayed home the rest of the year and not faced the mess that is my classroom until the kids were out for summer.


Amber said...

I'm so sorry you had to go back. The kids sound aweful. I hope they don't eat you today. ;) Luckily I didn't have to go back after I had Blaze. I knew I would not be returning the next year so I moved out anything good before the sub took over. I hope they acted better for you today.

CL said...

I have a couple of teacher friends, and they both have told me just how terrible the kids are acting right now. Must be they see the end in sight. No excuses for the subs, except they are probably in the wrong profession. Summer is coming, hang in there. Then you can look foward to a new year.