Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Sonogram Update!

I had another sonogram today to check the growth of the babies. Baby A (on my left) is head down. Her heart rate is 138 bpm. She weighs approximately 2 lbs. and 15 oz.

Baby B (on my right) is breech. Her heart rate is 140 bpm. She weighs approximately 2 lbs. and 13 oz. Everything looks good with both babies. They both have hair too! They technically still have room to turn, but I don't know if they still try to turn around.

I am 29 weeks and 5 days. I see my doctor again on Monday. My last visit with him went well. My body is doing great carrying this double load. The doctor signed off on my paperwork to allow me to take 12 weeks off after the girls are born.

Matthew and I attended our baby classes. They weren't so bad until the birthing class. I'm not sure I needed to know that I'll have to wear mesh undies with a kotex the size of a baby diaper. I'm sure you can imagine the horrified look on my face. Anyhow, it is still to be determined if we will have a c-section or a natural birth. And by natural birth, I don't mean drug-free!

We have arranged a pediatrician. I will register with the hospital and also with Labor and Delivery in the next week or so. We will tour the Labor and Delivery Unit when we do this. We also purchased our car seats and double stroller. They ship out the day after Christmas. Once they come in, I'll make an appointment to make sure we have the car seats installed correctly in my car.

I am posting pictures of Baby A that were taken today. Baby B was on her tummy and would not turn around. Baby A was sucking on her fingers.

1 comment:

Havedirt Willshare said...

The last picture could make me cry! How sweet, and amazing, and miraculous... I could keep going.